The core developer team was very blunt and honest in Kickstarter Update #38 on the amount of money already spent on game development, how much more is needed to finish a playable version, and the fact that they are looking for additional investment. They have never “run off” with money. They are using it for game development. I mean, I have time to work a full-time job and still contribute volunteer time to the game, but I have heard that some programmers and art developers need to be paid a wage so that they can buy food and pay rent.

All of us volunteer writers know the game creator, Calavero, well. The most dedicated writers who are still working on their text for improvements and refinements have had the good opportunity of working and talking with him for years. We know that he is dedicated to achieving his full, original vision for M.O.R.E. and has always battled against any urge to downgrade concepts just for faster production. We know that he and the core developers are friends and remain committed to achieving their vision for a special type (as shown in a multitude of video clips) of Space 4X game. I am proud to support (both with dollars and time) someone with unique vision and dedication like Calavero and his core developer friends. I believe that one day the game will be finished and that they stand by their original scope and vision for the M.O.R.E. Universe.
I have had a health issue pop up that I am dealing with now. In mid-April I had to have a brain tumor removed; tomorrow I start 6-weeks of chemo and radiation treatments to make sure that any remaining tumor cells are killed. With the tumor removed there was a quick return of focused and organized thoughts so I have been using this recovery time from my full-time job to read through my assigned race histories and texts and implement improvements that come to mind. Like all of the volunteer Ideas and Text Creator team members, who I admire and respect, I am committed to delivering content for the game that will enrich the M.O.R.E. Universe and feed fan imagination and interest. No matter what happens with the end result of my health, writing contributions to this special project makes me feel good and proud to be on the volunteer team. Knowing that fans will one day be allowed to read my work and it add to their impression of an interesting new Space 4X game universe fills me with a sense of satisfaction and happiness. Okay, enough writing here. It is time to switch over and get to work on my assignments.
Calavero, I am just one of many people who still supports and believes in your abilities and visions for M.O.R.E.