iam a big fan of 4x gaming and was attentiv about 5-6 years ago i found M.O.R.E. on kickstarter ... i was extremly flashed from all the nice goals and features the devs wants to provide and fall in love with this project

years gone and no release until now ... i was playing so much 4x space games but cant find any who fullfills my wishing game experience ...
some days ago i stumbled again over the M.O.R.E. project and some nice infos i found an the homepage ...
my question now what is the current developing status of M.O.R.E. ? and any further informations ? i mean kikstarter project was about 6 years ago und readmap in this old days pointed 2013 as release date ^^

what a bout the dev team ? are all guys from the past still working on M.O.R.E. ? and is there a approximate release date for full version ? is it about 1 year or about 3 years ?
would be nice to have some overview informations about this project ...
thanks for helping guys