Not exactly accurate, from their website:
"Today Dominus Galaxia is quite customizable, and a number of major and core gameplay choices are presented as options.
Do you prefer star-lanes or would you rather play without them? No, don’t answer me, they might be listening. Holy wars have been fought over less.
You can set Dominus Galaxia to play in that single right way and no one will know. Or you may even want to experiment with different features to keep things fresh. In addition to the in-game options, there are a host of settings in the data files that you can play around with to radically alter your experience." … And he's working on a hot-seat multi-player version.
As for boring single player, I remember after playing D&D, Talisman, or BattleTech with the group, playing MoO2 all night on single player. I was immediately hooked, it's why I play pc games over console games.
This seems to be more of a sequel to MoO1 than to MoO2. And while MoO2 is a far superior game, I still had fun with MoO1. I HATE star-lanes, and won't play with them. They are in Beta now.